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Frequently Asked Questions

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Do we have to apply the coupon during our purchase?

Click on the link which will redirect you to the marketplace (Amazon). There you have to click on the checkbox to apply the coupon.

Where do we have to place the return request?

From whichever marketplace you have ordered for ex amazon.

When can I find new coupons?

You can find new coupons everyday after 6AM but they are subjected to availability on the marketplace.

Can we apply two coupons on the same product?

No you can only apply one coupon on the same product.

Do I need amazon prime membership to avail the coupons?

No, but in certain cases, you might.

Is there any hidden cost of delivery?

No, but fee may be applicable in certain cases.

If you find the coupon here and not on the market place then what to do?

The coupons are subject to sellers product availability and upto the stock lasts.

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