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How to use supabase with astro: A practical guide


How to use Supabase with Astro. A practical guide for developers trying Astro.

Create project in Supabase

How to create a Table in Supabase:

  1. After creating an account create an org in Supabase.

Create Org in Supabase

  1. Then create new project in supabase

Create project in Supabase

  1. Inside the project create a new table.

Create project in Supabase

  1. Add or Modify the column in the table

Create project in Supabase

How to use Supabase in your Astro project:

  1. Add Supabase dependency in you project.

npm install @supabase/supabase-js

  1. Initialize supabase client in your project(Astro)
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";

// Create a single supabase client for interacting with your database
const supabase = createClient("", "public-anon-key");
  1. Get url and public anon key from supabase dashboard:

Create project in Supabase

Update url and anon key in your project.

  1. Now we need to disable RLS for the table for the POC(testing/learning) in the dev environment only(don’t do it in production) . For that click on ‘No active RLS policies’ under Table editor.

Create project in Supabase

  1. Disable RLS:

Create project in Supabase

  1. Insert data in the table:
const { data, error } = await supabase
		asin: "B0BQC4Y4TP",
			"Samsung 653 L Frost Free Convertible 5In1, Digital Inverter Wi-Fi Enabled Side by Side Refrigerator (RS76CG8003S9HL, Refined Inox 2023 Model)",

Above code is for table ‘coupon_products’ which has two columns which are not Nullable.

  • asin
  • productTitle

Now run the above code and data will get populated in the table:

Create project in Supabase

To Fetch data from Supabase:

const { data, error } = await supabase.from("coupon_products").select().limit(2);

You can remove limit(); to get max results up to 1,000 rows.

  • You can also use typescript like:
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";

// Create a single supabase client for interacting with your database
const supabase = createClient < Database > ("", "public-anon-key");
interface Database {
	public: {
		Tables: {
			coupon_products: {
				Row: {
					// the data expected from .select()string
					asin: string,
					productTitle: string,
				Insert: {
					// the data to be passed to .insert()
					asin: string, // `not null` columns with no default must be supplied
					productTitle: string,
				Update: {
					// the data to be passed to .update()
					asin?: string, // `not null` columns are optional on .update()
					productTitle?: string,

For database table defined as:

create table
  public.coupon_products (
    created_at timestamp with time zone not null default now(),
    asin text not null,
    productTitle text not null,
    constraint coupon_products_pkey primary key (asin)
  ) tablespace pg_default;

Auth in Supabase:

  • We can register user in Supabase through email:
const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signUp({
	email: "",
	password: "example-password",
  • And login user after email has been confirmed by the user:
const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithPassword({
	email: "",
	password: "example-password",

RLS and Policy in Supabase:

  • We can Enable RLS:

Create project in Supabase

  • Click on New Policy:

Create project in Supabase

  • Select Get started quickly:

Create project in Supabase

  • Select policy according to the need:

Create project in Supabase And we can add multiple policies in RLS.